Certification Issuance Policy

Certification Issuance Policy


The Certification Issuance Policy was formulated cognizant of the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015, and the AQF Qualifications Issuance Policy. 

The policy applies to the finalisation of learners’ assessment and the issuance of all Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) certification documentation.  


This policy applies to all learners who: 

  • Successfully complete all requirements for the units of competency in a qualification 
  • Successfully complete all requirements for a number of units of competency in a qualification and are entitled to a Statement of Attainment 
  • Enrol in and successfully complete a specified unit of competency and are entitled to a Statement of Attainment 

This policy is to be applied to the issuance by the College all of testamurs, including certificates, records of results and Statements of Attainment to learners.  


The College’s primary purpose is the provision of quality vocational education and training programs to learners. 

To specify the conditions under which the College will apply its Certification Issuance Policy to finalise learners’ results and issue all AQF certification documentation, including verifying learners’ Unique Student Identifier (USI).  

The College will apply this policy consistently and fairly across all programs and any learner enrolled into a program at the College. 


In compliance with the Standards for RTOs 2015, the College has implemented an assessment system that fulfils the requirements of the relevant training package. All assessment instruments are mapped and training products validated (both pre- and post-assessment) to ensure assessment is conducted in accordance with the Principles of Assessment and Rules of Evidence.   

Learners must successfully complete all required units of competency to be awarded certification for the nationally-recognised qualification in which they are enrolled  

Learners who do not complete the course in its entirety will be issued a Statement of Attainment for the units in which they successfully demonstrated competency.  

The College is required to securely retain and be able to produce in full at audit, if requested to do so, all completed learner assessment instruments for each learner for a period of six months from the date on which the judgement of competence for the learner was made.   The College stores all learner records electronically in the learner management system while hard copy assessment evidence is scanned and retained electronically on the secure server or stored in the locked document storage area. At the end of the required six months, the College destroys all electronic records except learners’ enrolment documentation, training and assessment records and copies of the testamur/s learners were issued. The College also maintains a certificate and Statement of Attainment register. These items must be retained for a period of 30 years. 

The College has a policy that permits the replacement of certification documentation and takes responsibility for authentication and verification of any replacement certification documentation.  

In accordance with the Standards for RTOs 2015, the College issues Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) certification documentation: 

  • only to learners who have fully demonstrated competence in all training product requirements, and 
  • evidence of this has been demonstrated. 

The College recognises that inappropriately issued certification poses a significant risk to the College’s reputation and to the VET sector. To reduce this risk, the College has a centralised process for issuance of certification.  

The College will issue AQF certification documentation to a learner within 30 calendar days of the learner’s being assessed as successfully meeting all requirements of the training product. 

The College may require the return of a certificate, record of results or Statement of Attainment in the following circumstances: 

  • In an instance where an alleged fraud or dishonesty has been substantiated, the Principal may revoke the qualification or Statement of Attainment and require its return on the grounds that the qualification or Statement of Attainment was improperly obtained. 
  • When a request for replacement of an original record of results or Statement of Attainment is submitted: in cases where a graduate makes an application for a replacement certificate due to damage or legal name change, the graduate is required to return the original document prior to being issued the replacement. 
  • Due to an error, that is, where the College’s record of results or Statement of Attainment was issued erroneously or contained incorrect details, the College will request the return of the documentation. 
  • In the unlikely event that the College is directed by the national regulator to revoke a qualification or Statement of Attainment issued to learners 

The College complies with the AQF Qualifications Issuance Policy by ensuring all learners who complete a program of learning that leads to the award of an AQF qualification receive the following certification documentation on award of the qualification: 

  • a certificate, and 
  • a record of results. 

Learners are entitled to retain their certificates and records of results once they have been issued unless the AQF qualification is revoked under the terms of the College’s policy. 

Certificates issued by the College for all AQF qualifications are identified using an AQF logo authorised by the AQF Council. The AQF logo is not used on certification documentation for non-AQF qualifications. 

The College provides information on the certificate and record of results sufficient to ensure the documentation can be authenticated and to reduce fraudulent use. The certificate and record of results contains the information needed to correctly identify the: 

  • issuing organisation – name, RTO code and RTO logo 
  • learner who is entitled to receive the AQF qualification 
  • awarded AQF qualification by its code and full title 
  • date of issue/award 
  • AQF and NRT Logo 
  • Person/s in the organisation authorised to issue the documentation, and 
  • the College’s embossed seal as an additional authentication and security measure. 

The issuance of a statement of attainment recognises that learners do not always study a complete AQF qualification. Learners who have completed one or more accredited units in these circumstances are entitled to receive a statement of attainment. A record of results may also be issued. The statement of attainment correctly identifies the person entitled to receive the statement, the accredited units by their code and full title and the date issued. 

The College ensures the statement of attainment is in a form that ensures it cannot be mistaken for a certificate for a full AQF qualification. It includes the statement: 

‘A statement of attainment is issued when an individual has completed one or more accredited units’. 

Learners are entitled to retain the statement of attainment once it has been issued unless it is revoked under the terms of the College’s policy. 

The College understands it is responsible for authentication and verification of a learner’s statement of attainment and has in place mechanisms to reduce fraudulent reproduction and use of the statements of attainment it issues. 

The College has a policy that permits the replacement of statements of attainment and takes responsibility for authentication and verification of any replacement documentation.  

The College includes the following information on a statement of attainment: 

  • issuing organisation – name, RTO code and RTO logo 
  • learner who is entitled to receive the statement of attainment 
  • awarded AQF qualification by its code and full title 
  • date of issue/award 
  • NRT Logo only 
  • the words ‘A statement of attainment is issued by a Registered Training Organisation when an individual has completed one or more accredited units’ 
  • the words ‘These competencies form part of [code and title of qualification/course 
  • person/s in the organisation authorised to issue the documentation, and 
  • the College’s embossed seal as an additional authentication and security measure. 

Note: The College does not include the learner’s USI on its certificates, statements of attainment or records of results, consistent with the Student Identifiers Act 2014.  


It is a condition of employment with the College that all employees sign the “Policy Acknowledgement Form” demonstrating that they have read and understood the College’s policies and procedures, including this certification issuance policy, and agree that they will make all reasonable efforts to ensure they comply with these policies and procedures. By signing this form, they acknowledge their support for and co-operation with the College’s policies, procedures and practices. This is completed to ensure employees understand their responsibilities and limitations, the rules that must be followed and that disciplinary action may be taken in instances of non-compliance.   


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