Confidentiality Policy

Confidentiality Policy


The Confidentiality Policy was formulated taking cognisance of the College’s values and its mission statement. This policy is underpinned by the Information Privacy Act 2009, and the Child Protection Act 1999. The College is committed to maintaining an interactive environment that supports and encourages positive and safe experiences amongst both staff and learners.

The confidentiality policy provides guidelines to all employees of the College regarding the appropriate standards of privacy and confidentiality that is expected in our organisation. The confidentiality policy should be observed at all times of employment and thereafter. Staff will agree to adhere to and to sign a confidentiality agreement upon commencement of employment.

Ethical Principles

This includes workplace behavior and respect for all staff, learners and individual’s information.

  • Information will be treated with integrity
  • All employees will demonstrate commitment to the system of government and accountability and transparency.


All employees will contribute to an honest, unbiased and unprejudiced work environment.


Employees should take responsibility for their own actions, ensuring appropriate use of information, exercising diligence and duty of care obligations and avoiding conflicts of interest. Employees will comply with the job description, commitment to the organisation and proper computer, internet and email usage.

Standard of Practice

Staff will remain up to date with current policies and procedures and business operational manual. Staff will seek advice from supervisors if they feel that there are conflictions with policies and/or work practices outlined by the College.

Disciplinary Actions

Employees will seek to handle confidential information professionally in line with the College’s policies and procedures and will face specific penalties and/or disciplinary action for any violation of the code.

  • Learners must be made aware of the necessity of keeping records in relation to the learners work and progress in order to comply with ASQA regulations.
  • The principal is responsible for records management at this time
  • The principal is also responsible for the storage of all learner details, records, files, training and assessment outcomes and records in accordance with ASQA requirements and NVR standard.
  • Learners will only have access to personal records kept by the College that relate to themselves as an individual. These records will be kept in a secure file in accordance with the General Directions: Retention requirement for completed learner assessment items (electronic learner records will be retained for a period of thirty 30 years).
  • Learners are made aware personal information is open to inspection by an authorised person within the College.
  • Information in relation to confidentiality issues/concerns will be dealt with in line with the Information Privacy Act 2009.
  • Learners are made aware that confidentiality requirements and expected behaviours are discussed with all staff/volunteers at their induction and that staff sign a policy agreement form at the commencement of their employment.
  • Learner will not be charged any fees to access their records, unless a learner requests further copies of their original qualifications wherein a fee of $20.00 is required.
  • Breaches of confidentiality are dealt with under the complaints and appeals procedures outlined in the complaints and appeals policy, or under the terms of staff employment as appropriate.
  • The College is aware of the principles of the Information Privacy Act 2009 the Right to Information Act 2009 (QLD) and the Public Records Act 2002 (QLD).
  • Except as required under the NVR Standards for Registered Training Organisations, Government Contracts or by law, information about a learner will not be disclosed to a third party without the written consent of the learner. The College will endeavor to protect the privacy of its learners or affiliated organisations at all times.
  • The College is required to maintain an AVETMISS compliant learner management system. The College uses a learner management system to record and maintain all learner records and details.
  • Learner Name
  • Start Date/Expected Completion Date
  • Address
  • Contact Details
  • Personal Information relevant to studies or course requirements
  • Employment or placement details
  • Details of fees owing or paid
  • Copies of written agreements between the College and the learner


It is a condition of employment with the College that all employees sign the “Policy Acknowledgement Form” demonstrating that they have read and understood the College’s policies and procedures and that they will make all reasonable efforts to ensure compliance with these policies and procedures. By signing this form, they acknowledge their support and co-operation with all of the College’s policies. This is completed to ensure that staff understands what our rules are, why they must be adhered to and that disciplinary actions may be enforced if this policy is not adhered to. In accordance with best practice this practice will be subject to an annual review.


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