LLN Policy

Language Literacy and Numeracy Policy (LLN)


The Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) Policy was formulated taking cognisance of the Education Act 2013, Queensland’s Public Sector Ethics Act 1994, Code of Conduct for the Queensland Public Service Act, Anti-Discrimination Act 1991 (QLD) and Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (QLD). The purpose of the language literacy and numeracy (LLN) Policy is to ensure that the College can identify LLN skill levels and assist learners with LLN needs in order to provide them with appropriate support and access to an obtainable and enjoyable course throughout their study.

This Policy applies to all of the College’s employees, learners and/or potential learners. This policy should be observed while at work and while attending any activities relating to the College including enrolments, LLN completions, training, assessment, learner assistance and promotional activities.

The College is committed to maintain a learning environment that supports the learning needs and skill development of learners. The College does not discriminate against any learner or potential learner who identifies as having low LLN skills. The College evaluates learners LLN skills and abilities through the completion of a language, literacy and numeracy (LLN ) form, to the level of qualification to be undertaken as part of the enrolment process. This includes:

  • Diploma Level
  • Certificate IV Level
  • Certificate III Level

The College may also use other methods of assessments to further evaluate the application, including but not limited to;

  • Observations
  • Discussions
  • Self-evaluations
  • Learner Submissions

The College is committed to promoting an environment that is respectful of all learners and potential learners. The College will ensure that learners/potential learners are aware of the recommended level of LLN requirements that are needed to undertake the various courses on offer. All LLN results will be completed with integrity and the potential learner good will always be promoted.

All the College employees will contribute to an honest, unbiased and unprejudiced work environment. The College will ensure that enrolment officers, trainer and assessors who identify learners with LLN issues at time of LLN completion understand the correct procedures to follow (outline below). The College will make aware to learners the contents of the LLN policy and its location on our website. The College will work to effectively ascertain the LLN skills and abilities of potential learners.

The College will ensure that enrolment officers, trainer and assessors can identify learners with LLN issues at time of LLN completion. The College will strive to foster links with professional organisations for the referral of learners with LLN needs. Staff will remain up to date with the current LLN policy and procedures and the job outcomes requirements associated with each course.

  • The College representatives may seek advice and expertise from relevant professionals in relation to LLN issues as required.
  • Discuss results with learners (using positive language)
  • Discuss learners reasons for undertaking course
  • Discuss and explain that a strong level of support and assistance will be provided to learner to assist learner in completing the course. This will be outlined in more specific detail with each individual learner and trainer depending on the particular situation.
  • If it is apparent that the learners LLN skills and abilities may hinder their abilities to complete the job outcomes or the course content then the the College representative should immediately speak to a supervisor for guidance.
  • Upon examining the case the supervisor may suggest an alternative course (at a more appropriate level) or the possibility of the learner working towards a statement of attainment of units or the possibility of working through the course in an alternative way. A supervisor has the discretion to discuss various options here with the learner depending on the particulars of the situation while also adhering to the anti discrimination legislation outlined above.
  • Any solution or suggestion will not discriminate or exclude any potential learner and will only be suggested if the the College representative genuinely feels it is a suitable consideration for this learner.
  • It is the College’s goal to ensure that learner is not mislead about the course content and/or difficulty level and that learners do not undertake a course in a manner that is not suited to their LLN abilities or skills.

It is a condition of employment with the College that all employees sign the “Policy Acknowledgement Form” demonstrating that they have read and understood this LLN Policy and that they will make all reasonable efforts to ensure compliance with this policy. By signing this form, they acknowledge their support and co-operation with this and all of the College’s policies. This is to ensure that staff understands what our rules are, why they must be adhered to and that disciplinary actions may be enforced if this policy is not adhered to. In accordance with best practice this policy will be subject to an annual review.

  • Be respectful in your communication and actions.
  • Follow the procedures and guidelines outlined in this policy.
  • Be aware and follow all the College’s policies, practices and procedures relevant to your position.
  • Act ethically, truthfully and honestly at all times.
  • Inform a supervisor if in need of assistance or guidance
  • Abide by the confidentiality policy and respect your responsibility of confidentiality.
  • Be inclusive and value diversity.
  • Adhere to duty of care and duty of safety.
  • Report all areas of concern to your supervisor.
  • Be open to feedback.
  • Seek to engage in lifelong learning and improved work practices.
  • Remain up to date with policy contents and changes.

This policy outlines unacceptable behaviors. If a staff member demonstrates that they are or have carried out any of the following unacceptable behaviours they will face disciplinary action, including verbal warnings, written warnings or reprimands, suspension or dismissal.

  • Violation of any of the College’s policies or procedures or guidelines, particularly those outlined in this policy.
  • Inappropriate, unprofessional of lack of communication with members of staff or learners.
  • Engaging in disruptive, threatening or bullying behaviours.
  • Ignoring supervisor direction or Instruction.
  • Engaging in any discriminatory or unwelcoming behaviour.


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